Αρχική > Προϊόντα > Blood Pressure Holter

Blood Pressure Holter

Blood Pressure Holter-24h Blood Pressure Monitoring and Recording

Blood Pressure Holter Norav NBP-24NG has state-of-the-art potential and technical features. For example,
-it complies with the regulations of the British and European Hypertension Society (BHS & ESH)
-It is light (240gr with the batteries)
-It has a "day-night" keyboard and "episode" keyboard
-It secures high accuracy thanks to the Oscillometric measurment without sensors
-It offers comfort to the patient because s/he is not extremely "inflated" - only as much as necessary
-It has a special Fourier algorithm for evaluating the morning blood pressure
-24/48h recording and storing
-Wireless Blutetooth data transfer
-Software for processing, trend monitoring and comparing values to easily make reports and control treatment
-Archiving and comparing with the use of graphs, compatible with medical information systems and files.
-Drawing reports in the form of XML,GDT,BDT κ.α
-Wide range of measurements μετρήσεων
-Protocols prestored and selected by the user, as well as protocol for sending data from mobile phone (SMS)


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Αδριανουπόλεως 35, Θεσσαλονίκη 55133
Τηλ.: 2310.927437  Fax: 2310.927438

Μιχαλακοπούλου 153, Αθήνα 11527
Τηλ: 210.7702708   Fax: 210.7702783

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