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Technical Service

Τechnical Support

The highly specialised Technical Support Department...
The highly specialised Technical Support Department is certified to ISO 9001, 2008 and ISO 19485 and is always ready (within 24 hours in Thessaloniki and 48 hours for the rest of Greece) to resolve any problem that may occur with your medical equipment (ultrasound systems, stress test systems, cardiographs, monitors, Codonics systems, networks, computers). There is also our telephone support available during your medical office working hours.

Consumables can be provided upon order, as well as UPS devices (emergency electric power systems in case the input power is interrupted)
Lastly, there is the potential for offer-contracts always depending on our customer’s needs.

Call Center 2310 919438

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35, Adrianoupoleos Str, Thessaloniki 55133
Τel: +30 2310.927437  Fax: +30 2310.927438

153, Mihalakopoulou Str, Athens 11527
Τel: +30 210.7702708   Fax: +30 210.7702783

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